the BBW Natural Diaper Training Method:

by Mikey

Little babies don't know anything about controlling their wettums and

messes, so just let things happen naturally, easily and without any fuss

or muss. As they get older they begin to associate the sensual

sensations of their bladder or bowels emptying, as it stimulates the

internal and external tactile nerves. Also the warm sensations of their

peepee as it empties, and soaks into their diapers cause their first

pleasurable "cause and effect" awareness. This is especially true for

boy babies, probably because their penis is stimulated by the warm, wet

diaper when they wet.

The biggest problem for most big babies, especially those who have been

toilet trained at an early age, is the sense of shame or humiliation at

wetting uncontrollably, or messing their pants. Diapers were probably

used as a threat, and became associated with "dirty, wrong, or bad" when

they were very young. Unfortunately many big babies try to wet or mess,

or force themselves to do so, and this causes a different type of

conscious and subconscious control, instead of helping them return to

the natural uncontrolled voiding of a real little baby..

These suggestions are designed to help the big baby learn to naturally

give up control and return to the normal, natural infantile way of


Following these suggestions should help a big baby to begin using their

diapers naturally and easily in about two weeks to a month. These

suggestions can be used by baby alone, or under the supervision of their

parent figure. The goal is to simply and naturally undo the bad patterns

learned in early childhood and to replace them with the natural,

pleasurable habits and patterns present in an infant. Once natural

uninhibited voiding begins, continued use of these suggestions will

quickly and easily establish a natural, easy infantile pattern of

emptying the bladder and bowels, regardless of the type of undergarment

worn, but then babies always wear diapers.


BIT : baby in training

Void : emptying of bladder or bowels

Potty device: any container like a toilet, potty seat, urinal or
other manmade except diapers, used to hold voids. Strictly prohibited for all BIT's.

DD: diaper dependent

When ready to start, begin wearing diapers at all times, night and day.

Cloth diapers and plastic or other waterproof pants are preferred but

disposables like DriPride, or Attends briefs are acceptable. Drink

regular amounts of non-alcoholic fluids, at least 8 ounces of water or

juice, 8 times a day, and two glasses within one hour of bedtime. Avoid

using potty from two hours before bedtime to bedtime. Once training is

begun, of course the potty is prohibited at all times. If natural

wetting occurs before bedtime this is acceptable and desirable.

Try to eat as much raw fruit or vegetables as possible and affordable to

help ensure good bowel regularity, and soft bowel movements.

Daytime Wetting, Naturally:

When you first consciously perceive the need to void, simply try not to

think about it. Think instead "I'm going to wet my diapers naturally. I

don't need to worry because I am wearing my thick, secure diapers." At

first you may feel the pressure building up almost unbearably. At this

point simply try to relax a bit, by deep breathing, in throughyour

nose, and out softly through your mouth, thinking "I can relax and let

my body respond naturally and normally to my full bladder."

Soon you will feel the first trickles of your natural void. DO NOT TRY

TO BEAR DOWN. JUST REMAIN RELAXED. It may just trickle and then stop,

and then start up in a few minutes. During the initial stages of

training this is perfectly natural, since you have learned a pattern of

"hold it until at the potty, then relax when it starts, bear down and

force it out." This is a learned, trained response taught during toilet

training when you were very young, and needs to be unlearned and a new,

more natural pattern established.

Each time you repeat the "trickle, stop, trickle" pattern, you will void

more peepee until your bladder begins to respond naturally with a "I

feel it getting full. Relax the sphincter, contract the bladder wall

muscles slightly. Let it out easily." This is the normal, natural way a

baby's bladder empties. Their bladder is not so elastic or stretchy,

from years of "holding it", so the sphincter just relaxes, the bladder

wall presses slightly and they empty their peepee into their diapers.

As you become aware of your bladder emptying think "Oh that feels nice.

I like the warm feelings of wetting my diapers. Wetting naturally feels

good, pleasant. I want to do this again and again."

As you feel your bladder emptying more naturally once you begin to

establish the new, natural patterns [usually in just 3 to 4 days],

really concentrate on the sensations as your bladder responds to the

presence of peepee at the sphincter opening, relaxing the sphincter,

letting the peepee flow out easily, gently, naturally. Feel and

concentrate on the sensations as your peepee flows into your diaper and

your diaper soaks it up, spreads it around your front, crotch and bum,

making the diaper all nice and warm and wet.

Tell yourself how nice and enjoyable it feels, and how pleasant it makes

you feel to wet your diapers naturally, easily and uncontrollably.



Nighttime Wetting, Naturally:

Frankly this is harder to establish than daytime wetting. While babies

take more time to be nighttime trained, than daytime, this is due to

their sleep patterns, not bladder control. The goal is to remain

sleeping while voiding and to wake in the morning with nice warm wet,

and maybe even messy diapers.

Drinking 12 to 16 ounces of clear fluid like water or juice during the

one hour before bedtime will ensure the kidneys continue to produce

peepee while you sleep, instead of slowing down, as is part of the

physical aging process. Unless you haven't voided for two hours or more,

you should not feel uncomfortable at bedtime drinking this amount of

fluid prior to bedtime.

While lying in bed and getting ready to sleep, try to picture the

pleasant "surprise" of waking up nice and wet and warm in the morning.

Picture yourself sleeping happily, soundly, contentedly ALL NIGHT LONG,

without waking up until it is time to get up. If possible, take your

soother to bed with you and use it at night. The suckling will establish

a subconscious "I am drinking my bottle, and will wet while I drink to

make room." idea, which is natural for little babies.

Concentrate on the image of sleeping soundly, contentedly and happily as

you go to sleep, and try to picture the joy and pleasant sensations of

waking up in nice, warm, wet diapers. You will probably wake the first

few nights, when your subconscious senses the need to void. Just relax

and let it happen as you do during the day. The sensations of wetting

lying on your side, back or tummy are much different than wetting

sitting or standing during the day, so concentrate on these nice, new

pleasant sensations, and tell yourself how good it feels, how nice it

feels, and how good it will feel when you wake up in the morning in your

nice, thick, warm, wet diapers.

Try to picture yourself remaining asleep as you wet, and "pretend" you

are still sleeping. After you wet your diaper, relax again, and picture

this happening while you sleep soundly, contentedly, and happily. Soon

this is exactly how it will happen. It may take a few days [average 5 to

6 from my experience] for you to sleep soundly through the night, and to

wet naturally in your sleep. You may find yourself waking a while after

you have wet, if your diaper begins to cool down, and this sensation

wakes you, but often the slight coolness of the wet diaper just causes

another void, to "warm it up" and make it feel nice again.

When you wake in the morning take a few minutes to concentrate on the

sensations and feelings of waking in nice, warm, wet diapers, and reward

yourself by thinking or saying positive things like "Good I'm learning

to wet my diapers in my sleep like a little baby. I am a happy baby now,

who wets in his sleep. I like the feeling of waking in warm wet diapers."

Messy Diaper Tips:

I suggest you purchase a dozen or so baby flat fold diapers [around 24

by 30 inches flat], and place it unfolded inside the regular diaper for

a diaper liner. Most babies have a pattern for voiding, say after

breakfast, or during the afternoon, or after dinner. Once your pattern

is established, ensure the regular diaper is lined to make clean up much


Messing is much easier than most people think. Especially if you eat a

healthy diet with lots of fibre and roughage to ensure soft, easy voids.

Not too much so you get the runs, which is unhealthy, but just soft,

regular movements once or more a day.

Use the same "positive conditioning" mental rewards as used for wetting,

and when you feel the need to void, again just relax. It may pass for a

moment or two, then come back a little stronger. Each time, just relax.

Concentrate on the sphincter muscle that has been trained to tighten

until you are on a potty, and concentrate on just relaxing this little



CAN RUIN THE NATURAL TRAINING. Just relax the sphincter and again try

deep natural breaths to help you relax yourself.

You may find it easier to void standing, or crawling. DO NOT SQUAT, or

pretend to be sitting on a potty. This again places strain on the

muscles, resulting in a bearing down action that is unnatural, requires

"control". As you begin to void, there will be a learned tendency to try

and tighten the sphincter muscle. Again just relax. Tell yourself "I'm

going to poopoo my diaper. I like poopooing my diaper. It feel so good.

I like messing my diapers as a baby." You will be rewarded.

As you mess your diaper concentrate on the feelings of helplessness at

messing your little diapers as a baby. Concentrate on the sensations of

messing helplessly and feeling the soft, gooey void filling the seat and

crotch of your diapers and smearing on your little bum. Tell yourself

how nice and good this feels, and how babyish it is to mess your

diapers, how babyish YOU are to mess your diapers.

Good baby you wet and mess your diapers, naturally, now.

A few more times and you will begin to think "Oh, me go poopoo didee" as

your subconscious feels the need to void, and your body becomes

retrained and the poopoo just naturally passes by your relaxed sphincter

into your soft diapers. Naturally you will wet your little diapers after

you void, as all babies do.

Do not stay in messy diapers for more than a few minutes. NEVER PLAY

WITH YOURSELF IN MESSY DIAPERS. THIS IS BAD, and baby will be punished.

During clean up, it does smell a bit unpleasant, but remind yourself how

good it FEELS, and how babyish your FEEL at messing your diapers. Be

sure to wash off your bum, crotch and entire diaper area with warm water

and mild soap, or with Baby Wipes and get it all clean and sweet

smelling. Put baby lotion or oil, and baby powder on baby's diaper area,

and then a nice thick soft diaper and plastic panties so baby is well

protected again.

Remove the diaper liner from the diaper and rinse it in the toilet,

flushing the poopoo away. If baby voided so much that the regular diaper

got messy too, then rinse the soiled area in the toilet as well. Wring

out the rinsed liner and/or diaper and put them in a plastic baggie to

put in your diaper bag. Wash your hands real well with soap and water

and put the rest of your clothes on.

Now you're all ready to go play again, until your next diaper change.


The suggestions above are really just practical suggestions that more or

less follow the regular training methods used by mommies to train little

babies, only in reverse. You reward yourself and reinforce the "good,

nice" sensations and feelings of wetting and messing your diapers. You

reward yourself for wetting and messing your diapers.

It is not initially possible to "ignore" the conscious awareness of

needing to void, but by telling yourself to relax and "let it happen"

you will find your subconscious, the part that actually learned control

and controls the behaviour responses, begins to accept and adopt the new

patterns and responses until you do just void unconsciously. A few days

to a week of unconscious natural voiding and you will be wetting and

messing just like a little baby. Continue rewarding yourself mentally

for being such a good baby, and wetting and messing yourself naturally

and easily, and you will never feel ashamed or humiliated or embarrassed

about what you now can do.

Should your mommy or daddy decide it's time for baby to learn to use the

potty and start keeping his/her diapers clean or dry during the day, it

will take anywhere from a week to a couple of weeks for baby to relearn

toilet training, depending on how long baby has been wetting and messing

naturally. If it's been a few months, then a week should be sufficient.

If a year or so, a couple of weeks might be necessary to ensure more

childlike control.

If several years, then baby'd better just make sure he/she has some

plastic panties in his/her diaper bag, "just in case". Accidents will


Once nighttime diaper training is successful, establishing "dry nights"

may take a few weeks. Use normal common sense like reducing evening

fluid intake, void before bedtime, but wear a diaper for the first few

nights until you wake dry. Then try just a diaper with no plastic

panties, and finally regular panties or training panties.

To be honest, most retrained babies find occasional nighttime accidents

are normal, especially if they are very tired, or have imbibed alcohol

during the evening. Sleeping soundly just seems to result in a nice warm

wet bed or diaper the next morning.

Do not use drugs, laxatives, suppositories or catheters and such during

training. Frankly these are not necessary at any time, and the dangers

from infections, abuse to the body or damage to natural rhythms and

systems far outweighs their effect.

Stay Wet and Happy

Mikey and Michelle